Racewalking, a form of athletics focused on footraces in which competitors must keep their feet firmly planted on the ground, is considered by many to be a significant subdiscipline within the sport of athletics.

It was in England where the sport was originally played. Pedestrianism, which dates back to the 18th century, refers to long-distance power walking events that are often slower than running but faster than strolling.

Competing in a racewalking event is a difficult and demanding endeavour. It’s a competition involving multiple competitors for a championship, where each runner attempts to finish the course as quickly as possible relative to the other runners.

What is a Red Card in Race Walking

As a result of its growing popularity, the sport of racewalking was added to the Olympic programme for men in the 19th century.


Guidelines for Race Walking

Despite the fact that racewalking is a highly disciplined sport with numerous judges physically monitoring the walkers, more and more people are signing up to compete in walking road events. International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) rules are as follows:

The “Loss of Contact Rule” states that a runner’s feet must always be in visual contact with the ground during speed walking. It is imperative that one foot’s heel contacts the ground before the other foot’s toe lifts off the floor. The split second during each stride in which neither foot is firmly planted is visible to the naked eye, but it is significant for the athlete’s performance.

The Bent Knee Rule states that when the athlete advances forward, the leg that makes contact with the ground must be straightened from the hip to the foot in order to avoid injuring the knee. A breach of this rule is indicated by bending the knee before the opposite foot reaches the vertical upright position. The judges should be able to see both knees at all times.

When a walker is dangerously close to breaking one of the aforementioned criteria, the judges may award a yellow paddle as a warning. Two yellow paddles (one each for loss of contact and bent knee) are the maximum that a walk judge can give to the same runner in a single event.

What is a Red Card in Race Walking?

If any of the event’s assigned judges believes that an athlete has broken either of the aforementioned rules, that judge will immediately and silently issue a red card to that walker and report the infraction to the chief judge.

The player has no clue that he’s been given a red card. Each judge has the ability to throw out any walker once during the whole tournament.

Athlete disqualification: The chief judge is the only person who can kick a walker out of the walking competition. To disqualify an athlete from the competition, the chief judge needs to see three separate red cards for the same infraction from separate judges.

There will be no disqualifications based on the walkers’ use of the yellow paddles. There is no victory for the runner who ignores the call of disqualification and proceeds on to the finish line first.


The Victorian era (1837–1901) is credited as the birthplace of race walking, when aristocrats would place wagers on the success of their footmen as they accompanied their masters’ horse-drawn coaches. That’s all guys.