Fortnite Crew is a popular subscription service offered by Epic Games that provides players with exclusive in-game content, V-Bucks, and other perks. However, there may come a time when you wish to cancel your Fortnite Crew subscription.

In this detailed guide, we’ll cover how to cancel Fortnite Crew, what happens to your items when you cancel, how to cancel on PC and Xbox, and address the question of whether Fortnite Crew is a permanent subscription.

How To Cancel Fortnite Crew


How to Cancel Fortnite Crew

To cancel your Fortnite Crew subscription, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Fortnite: Open Fortnite on your chosen platform (PC, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, or mobile).
  2. Navigate to the Fortnite Crew Tab: On the main Fortnite screen, select the ‘Battle Pass’ tab, then click on the ‘Fortnite Crew’ tab.
  3. Click on the Subscription Button: Within the Fortnite Crew tab, locate and click on the ‘Subscription’ button.
  4. Select ‘Manage Subscription’: Choose the ‘Manage Subscription’ option, which will direct you to the platform-specific subscription management page.
  5. Cancel Subscription: Follow the prompts on the platform-specific subscription management page to cancel your Fortnite Crew subscription.

Please note that the exact steps may vary slightly depending on your platform, but the general process remains the same.

What Happens When You Cancel Fortnite Crew

When you cancel your Fortnite Crew subscription, you will retain access to the content and benefits until the end of the current subscription period.

However, you will no longer receive future monthly benefits, including exclusive cosmetics and V-Bucks.

How to Cancel Fortnite Crew on PC

To cancel Fortnite Crew on PC, follow these steps:

  1. Open Epic Games Launcher: Launch the Epic Games Launcher on your PC.
  2. Go to Account Settings: Click on your username in the bottom-left corner of the launcher, then select ‘Account’.
  3. Navigate to Subscriptions: In the Account settings, select the ‘Subscriptions’ tab.
  4. Cancel Fortnite Crew: Locate the Fortnite Crew subscription and click on the ‘Cancel Subscription’ button.

How to Cancel Fortnite Crew on Xbox

To cancel Fortnite Crew on Xbox, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Xbox Settings: On your Xbox console, navigate to the ‘Settings’ menu.
  2. Select Account: Choose the ‘Account’ tab within the Settings menu.
  3. Access Subscriptions: Scroll down and select ‘Subscriptions’ under the Account menu.
  4. Cancel Fortnite Crew: Locate the Fortnite Crew subscription and follow the prompts to cancel it.

Is Fortnite Crew Permanent?

Fortnite Crew is a monthly subscription service that offers exclusive in-game content and benefits. However, it is not a permanent subscription.

It requires a monthly payment to maintain access to the subscription perks. If you cancel your Fortnite Crew subscription, you will no longer receive the benefits associated with the service.

In conclusion, cancelling your Fortnite Crew subscription is a straightforward process that can be done on various platforms, including PC and Xbox. Be sure to follow the appropriate steps for your platform to ensure a smooth cancellation process.