The PlayStation 3 (PS3) holds a respected place in gaming history. Launched by Sony in 2006, it revolutionized the console gaming market.

Over the years, Sony has released numerous firmware updates for the PS3, adding new features, resolving bugs, and enhancing the overall user experience.

As of my knowledge cut-off in September 2021, the last significant firmware update for the PS3 happened in August 2019.

This article will provide a detailed overview of what the PS3 update entails, how to perform an update via USB, and why it is essential.

PS3 Update


What is a PS3 Firmware Update?

Firmware updates refer to the software modifications provided by the manufacturer to enhance the device’s functionality. In the case of the PlayStation 3, Sony periodically released firmware updates to improve the console’s performance, add new features, enhance security, and fix any discovered software bugs.

These updates often introduced optimizations for the system’s compatibility with certain games or the PlayStation Network, and occasionally included new system apps or functionalities. Overall, firmware updates are crucial for keeping your PS3 running smoothly and securely.

How to Update PS3 via USB?

In addition to updating your PS3 through a direct internet connection, you can also update it using a USB storage device.

This method is particularly helpful if your PS3 cannot connect to the internet. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to perform a PS3 firmware update using a USB:

  1. Download the Update: Go to the PlayStation 3 system software update page on Sony’s official website using your PC. Download the latest PS3 firmware update available.
  2. Prepare Your USB Device: You need a USB storage device with at least 200MB free space. Format it to FAT32 if it is not already.
  3. Create the Folder Structure: On your USB device, create a new folder and name it “PS3”. Inside the PS3 folder, create another folder named “UPDATE”. Make sure both folder names are in uppercase.
  4. Copy the Update File: Copy the downloaded update file (PS3UPDAT.PUP) to the “UPDATE” folder on your USB device.
  5. Connect to Your PS3: Insert the USB device into your PS3. Navigate to Settings > System Update in the XMB user interface, and select ‘Update via Storage Media’.
  6. Install the Update: Your PS3 will detect the update file on your USB device. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Remember, don’t turn off your PS3 or remove the USB device during the update process, as it may cause system errors or data loss.

When was the Last PS3 Firmware Update?

As of September 2021, the last PS3 firmware update was version 4.85, released in August 2019. This update improved system performance and security. Despite the discontinuation of PS3 production in 2017, Sony continues to provide sporadic support for the console.

Why is a PS3 Update Essential?

Keeping your PS3 system software updated is essential for several reasons:

  1. Security: Each firmware update includes patches that fix any potential security vulnerabilities in the system software.
  2. Performance: Updates often improve the system performance, leading to a smoother and more responsive gaming experience.
  3. Compatibility: Firmware updates often include enhancements for compatibility with certain games or the PlayStation Network.
  4. New Features: Updates can add new features, applications, or system settings, improving the overall user experience.

In conclusion

Although the PS3 may no longer be in active production, it remains a beloved console in the hearts of many gamers. Regular firmware updates help ensure that your PS3 delivers the best possible gaming experience.

With this guide, you should now be able to confidently update your PS3 via USB and enjoy the enhancements that come with it. Happy gaming!