This article serves as your comprehensive guide to the Brave search engine. We’ll be delving into everything you need to know about this search engine: what it is, how to download and login, the company behind it, how to change your default search engine to Brave, its safety credentials, and comparisons to Google. We’ll also explore if Brave has any Chinese ownership and its presence on Reddit.

Brave Search Engine


What is the Brave Search Engine?

The Brave search engine is a privacy-focused internet search engine that is part of the Brave Software ecosystem.

It aims to provide users with a search experience free from invasive tracking and data profiling, differing from many other search engines that rely on tracking user data to provide personalized search results and targeted advertising.

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How to Download and Login to the Brave Browser

  1. Download: To download the Brave browser, visit the official Brave website and click on the “Download” button. The site automatically detects your operating system and provides the correct version.
  2. Login: The Brave browser doesn’t require a traditional login process. Instead, all your settings, bookmarks, and history are stored locally on your device. This is part of Brave’s commitment to user privacy.

Brave Software Inc.

Brave Software Inc. is the company behind the Brave search engine and browser. Founded by Brendan Eich, co-founder of Mozilla and creator of JavaScript, the company focuses on enhancing user privacy and reducing reliance on advertising for revenue.

How to Change Your Default Search Engine to Brave

To set Brave as your default search engine:

  1. Open the Brave browser and click on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) at the top-right corner.
  2. Click on “Settings”.
  3. Scroll down to the “Search engine” section.
  4. In the “Search engine used in the address bar” dropdown, select “Brave Search”.

Is Brave Search Engine Safe?

The Brave search engine is designed with a strong focus on user privacy and safety. It does not collect personal data or track individual user activities, making it a safe option for those concerned about their online privacy.

Is Brave Owned by Google?

No, Brave is not owned by Google. Brave Software Inc. is an independent company. Although the Brave browser is based on Chromium, an open-source project largely developed by Google, Brave Software Inc. has made extensive modifications to ensure privacy, including blocking third-party ads and trackers.

Is Brave Better Than Google?

Whether Brave is “better” than Google depends largely on what you value in a search engine. If privacy is your priority, Brave may be a better choice because it doesn’t track user activity or sell ads based on personal data.

However, Google offers personalized search results and integration with other Google services, which some users may prefer.

Is Brave a Chinese Browser?

No, Brave is not a Chinese browser. Brave Software Inc. is an American company, founded and headquartered in San Francisco, California.

Brave on Reddit

There are active communities on Reddit where Brave users and developers discuss updates, troubleshooting, and future developments for the Brave browser and search engine. The most prominent is r/brave_browser.

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In conclusion

The Brave search engine offers an alternative for users prioritizing online privacy. While it eschews the personalization that comes from data tracking, many users appreciate its commitment to data protection and user-friendly ad-blocking features.

Whether it’s the best choice for you depends on your individual needs and browsing habits.